
美国心脏协会线上电子游戏飞禽走兽,Michael Merschel报道

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Dr. Anezi Uzendu should not be here to explain what a cardiac arrest looks like. 他还活着,只是因为健身房的陌生人理解他,并采取了行动.

In 2016, Uzendu, 然后是25岁的住院医生, 在伯明翰的一个体育馆里打篮球, 阿拉巴马州. He doesn't recall what happened, but he's told he scored, then collapsed.

“起初,他们以为我在开玩笑,”他说. “但后来他们意识到我没有呼吸了."

他刚刚成为大约35万美国人中的一员.S. 每年发生院外心脏骤停的成年人. 在大多数情况下,故事和病人的生命就到此结束了. 乌赞杜却没有,因为接下来发生的事.

"People at the gym recognized that I was having a cardiac arrest and started 心肺复苏,他说. "There was a defibrillator at the gym, and they attached it, and they used it.“在急救人员到达之前,他的心脏被电击了两次.

Saving his life took what Uzendu calls "heroic" efforts by those workers and the emergency department where he was taken. 三周后,他出院了. 今天, he is an interventional cardiologist finishing up a research fellowship at Saint Luke's Mid America Heart Institute in Kansas City, 密苏里州.

Dr. Anezi Uzendu survived a cardiac arrest in 2016 thanks to bystander 心肺复苏 and the use of a defibrillator. (图片由博士提供. Anezi Uzendu)
Dr. Anezi Uzendu survived a cardiac arrest in 2016 thanks to bystander 心肺复苏 and the use of a defibrillator. (图片由博士提供. Anezi Uzendu)

Medical experts talk about the steps that it takes to save someone who has a cardiac arrest outside of a hospital as a "chain of survival.”目击者, 比如那些回应乌赞度的人, 谁能发现问题的第一个环节.

"The most important thing that a bystander can do is to recognize the issue and then act quickly by first calling 911, 然后做心肺复苏术”,并要求使用自动体外除颤器, 或AED, 玛丽·纽曼说, 心脏骤停基金会的总裁兼首席执行官, 总部在匹兹堡.

但纽曼, 一个研究人员提出了生存链的概念, 这种识别可能很棘手, because cardiac arrest doesn't necessarily look like a heart problem in the movies, 有人可能会戏剧性地抓住自己的胸口昏倒. Even NFL player Damar Hamlin's wobbly collapse on "Monday Night Football" in January doesn't convey the whole experience.

A major source of confusion is that people often think cardiac arrest is the same as a heart attack. “这是两码事,”纽曼说. 心脏病发作常被比作水管问题, 流向心脏肌肉的血液在哪里停止. 尽管心脏病发作会导致心脏骤停, 心脏骤停是一个电问题, 心脏停止正常跳动.

“当你心脏病发作时, 你是醒着的, 你的心脏还在跳动, 你不需要心肺复苏术,纽曼说. “你只需要拨打911寻求帮助. 但由于心脏骤停,它们的心脏停止了跳动. 如果没有人及时干预,他们就会死去."

She corrected herself: "When you're in cardiac arrest, you're actually dead. 挑战在于如何让这个人起死回生."

Even among people who know what cardiac arrest is, it can be challenging to figure out. 但是对于没有接受过医学训练的人来说, Uzendu说, 这可以归结为两个问题:“他们是否有反应? 他们呼吸正常吗?"

Checking responsiveness is as simple as tapping them on the shoulders. But many bystanders, also called lay responders, are confused by "agonal breathing." Uzendu described that as "strange, intermittent breaths, very short breaths, very shallow breaths. 有时 they're kind of one large breath, and then nothing for a long time."

呼吸困难可以有很多变化, 他说, 但在一天结束的时候, 如果你注意到他们的呼吸不正常或根本不存在, that should be a trigger to think this person is having a cardiac arrest."

有时, cardiac arrest also can cause jerking movements as if someone is having a seizure, 他说, 这也会减缓人们的反应.

If you see somebody collapse, don't waste time pondering the possible causes, Uzendu说. 在人们意识到心脏骤停的线上电子游戏飞禽走兽里, 病人的重要器官正在缺氧.

“每一分钟都有人没有接受心肺复苏术, 也没有AED来把他们从异常的节奏中惊醒, 存活率急剧下降,他说. Having a bystander perform 心肺复苏 can double or triple the chances of somebody surviving.

他说,也不用担心不必要的心肺复苏术. “我更担心的是人们絮絮叨叨地说, 'I don't think this is it' or 'I think this could be something else.如果你对一个不需要心肺复苏术的人进行心肺复苏术, 他们很快就会阻止你, 而且可能不会造成伤害, 而如果你不给需要心肺复苏术的人做心肺复苏术, 这几乎是致命的."

即使你没有接受过正式的培训,你也可以提供帮助, Uzendu说, 但是“如果你接受过培训, 你有技能, 你进去行动起来就容易多了,他说. 免费美国心脏协会视频 能否在你寻求实践培训之前提供基础知识.

心脏骤停可以毫无征兆地袭击看似健康的人, 但有时也会有症状, 比如头晕或疲劳, 纽曼说.

这是乌赞杜在心脏骤停前几周说的, 他在打篮球时昏倒了,但没有理会. “我只是把它归结为脱水."

Doctors never determined why he went into cardiac arrest, but he's aware he beat the odds. 非专业救援人员实施心肺复苏术的几率只有40%左右. "We know that survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is less than 10%.他估计自己完全康复的几率甚至更低.

“我感谢上帝,我活了下来,”乌赞杜说. And he would not have done so without the people who recognized what was happening, and acted. That, 他说, "shouldn't be something that I get to benefit from, but other people don't."

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